So you have a house in Las Vegas and are considering some changes to your landscaping. If you have traditional grass as a lawn, you might be thinking about taking it out and replacing it with either some desert landscaping or maybe even artificial turf, but you want to know all the facts before you make a decision like this. It is expensive to redo something that you have already done in the past, but in this case you might be able to save some money while doing it and eventually save enough money to pay off the project completely. Thanks to water conservation initiatives from the SNWA, home owners in Las Vegas who make wise decisions about their landscaping can receive rebates and incentives that will offset the costs of redoing their yards, and the eventual savings on water and yard landscaping may actually pay for the entire thing. When you consider that artificial turf is considered an upgrade in Las Vegas because of it’s low maintenance, you will probably also see improvements to your home’s values.
When you replace your existing lawn with water smart landscaping in Las Vegas, you used to be able to qualify for a rebate of 2 dollars per square foot that you have professionally installed. Recently this amount was increased to 3 dollar in order to keep the conservation efforts moving forward and encouraging even more people to make the switch. Each square foot of grass in Las Vegas that is removed and replaced with ground covering that does not use water ends up saving upwards of 55 gallons per year. This adds up to millions of gallons saved when everyone participates, and for this reason the water authority feels that providing the incentive of rebates will get the process done with more home owners. The eventual savings that would be paid as far as water bill and yard landscaping will probably pay for the entire installation over time, but the putting together of the money to have the project completed may be difficult for some who would like to switch. This is why the immediate rebate program works so well.
Another benefit to making the switch is the time and money you spend on maintaining your yard. If you pay someone to do it, that bill is probably more than 100 dollars every month. If you do it yourself, that adds up to many hours of free time that you could be spending with your family. No matter what, if you have the ability to keep the exact same look and feel of the existing grass on your property and not have to do anything to keep it looking good, then that solution must be considered better than keeping the old grass. If you do not like artificial turf, there are plenty of other options as well like desert landscaping or even pavers. We simply must understand that we live in a desert, and trying to keep plants that are not natural in this environment alive wastes water that we all need in order to thrive.