Desert Greenscapes

Better Landscaping In Las Vegas

Las Vegas is a unique environment that is different from every other place in the country.  We live in a desert, and even though we have enough water to sustain our entire community as of the creation of lake mead, we are facing the unique situation as drought conditions bring the water levels to dangerous lows, and at the same time our population continues to explode.  When the meat was created, they were only a few 1000 people living in the Las Vegas Valley.  Today they are more than three million, and every one of these people relies upon the public water supply in order to survive.  This does not count any of the animals that are living here and in need of the same public water supply.  If one of the main problems has carried over from the past is that when there was a smaller population and a large amount of water, it could be wasted without thinking about it.  People had the ability to put green grass lawns around their homes and water it using artificial watering supplies.  While it may have suffered in the summer, there was always enough water to go around even know it was being used on decorative landscaping.  Times it certainly changed, and at this point we need to begin thinking about serious conservation efforts if we are to assure ourselves that there will never be a situation where we run out of water.  If that was to happen, it is too late and there is no way to create more water out of thin air.  We must conserve what we had in order to assure ourselves that we will not suffer in the future.  This means that every citizen must do their part to conserve water even if it is to cost them a little bit of money at the current time.

One of the best things that you can do to conserve water in Las Vegas Valley is to replace your green grass lawn with desert landscaping or some form of artificial turf.  The water authority has made sure to put programs in place that will offset the cost of these kinds of projects by upwards of $3.00 per square foot.  In addition to the rebates that you can get by replacing your lawn with artificial turf, you will also be saving money every year.  In Las Vegas, the typical square foot of grass will use upwards of 50 gallons of water every year, and every ounce of that water would have been able to be used for drinking by people and animals.  It is commonplace in Las Vegas that within only a few years the cost savings in water alone will pay for the installation of the artificial turf.  From that point on you will have a maintenance free lawn that does not get brown in the summer and suffer in the desert heat.  Your artificial turf look good no matter how hot it is outside and you will save money at the same time.  For more information on artificial turf contact us today.

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