Desert Greenscapes

Is Fake Grass An Upgrade In Las Vegas

For people who are just moving to Las Vegas, there’s probably a lot of culture shock that comes along with your move from other areas.  Las Vegas is unlike most other communities, and takes a little bit of getting used to as well as the way that we approach things.  One of the primary reasons that things in Las Vegas look and feel a certain way it is due to the fact that we live in the desert.  Make no bones about it, Las Vegas is located in the middle of one of the driest and hottest places on the face of the earth.  The easiest landscape to compare to Las Vegas is actually located in Afghanistan, and we face all of the same kinds of issues that they face in any other desert community.  We have grown to become almost completely reliant upon our air conditioning systems, as well as our water which is supplied from our reservoir in lake mead.  We find that many people in Las Vegas will attend to not live as though they live in the desert, and this is probably a very unique attitude to the Las Vegas region.  Because of the way that the casinos have approached marketing, relying upon creating an oasis in the desert for their guests, we have grown very accustomed to the mentality of money being able to create any atmosphere that we want, even though the desert is harsh and dry.  Many of our residents will install living grass and lush tropical plants in an attempt to create their own oasis in the desert, and although there is nothing wrong with spending your money anyway that you want to, it must be considered that this is not necessarily the best thing for our community.  Real living plants that are used for landscaping purposes also rely on our same water supply in order to remain alive, and in times when water becomes more scarce, you will find that our own supply of drinking water is being compromised by being fed every day to our grass lawns.  For this reason, a marketing campaign that has taken place over the course of the last decade has attempted to change the mentality in Las Vegas to move it away from attempting to make lush environments happen in the desert, and more towards installing water smart landscapes that do not tax our own drinking water supply.  For this reason, people from other places may be shocked to see the sheer volume of fake grass that is used by Las Vegas residents.  Fake grass does not rely on the water supply, and yet it almost perfectly resembles real growing grass.  It’s installation allows for the feeling of comfortable surfaces in our yards and still does not need maintenance or water of any kind.  The savings that people will see on their water bills as well as no longer needing landscaping is quickly apparent.  Fake grass is an upgrade in Las Vegas.

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