A grass lawn is a thing of the past, at least in Las Vegas. It used to be that men spent the weekends mowing their lawns and caring for their landscaping while the hum of neighboring lawn mowers happened all around the neighborhood. Even though Las Vegas is a desert community and green grass has almost no ability to grow here, people still took it upon themselves to plant grass lawns in an attempt to make their homes look like their parent’s homes on the east coast. The attitude in Las Vegas was always that if you had enough money to accomplish something that you could make it happen, even if it seemed like an impossible task. Growing tropical plants in the desert was something the casinos did in order to look like an oasis setting was happening. This lured visitors to their properties in order to see a lush and tropical environment right in the middle of a dry and barren place. While it was interesting to look at, it had absolutely no ability to exist without our intervention, and eventually the desert would take over by killing off all the tropical plants and greenery. The tragedy was that residents of Las Vegas began to adopt this same thought process for their own homes, even though there was no motivation to attract tourists there. They just wanted the types of landscaping they saw elsewhere, and realized that through money and technology they could make it work. But sometimes just because you can do something doesn’t mean that you should do it, and the wasting of water in the desert is a huge mistake. Eventually, the drought that happens every few years got bad enough that our water supplies began to drop to dangerously low levels, and eventually threaten to no longer be able to provide water for all our citizens in an emergency.
We need to rethink our choices as a culture in Las Vegas. We need to think about the fact that we are wasting the valuable resource that provides life to animals and people every day, and if we were to run out the damage it would cause. We need to stop throwing water down the sewers just because our ego wants to see green grass. There is a solution that will allow you to have that lawn and still conserve the life-giving water that we need here in the desert. You can install artificial grass into your yard instead of real grass. That will give you not only the same look and feel, but a far improved one because it will remain perfect without any upkeep. It will be the soft and cushioned surface that you wanted for your pets and children, and it will never need you to waste your time mowing on a weekend. Instead of caring for it, you can spend your time enjoying it. Install artificial grass into your living space in Las Vegas today, and get up with the times. Contact us now.