Desert Greenscapes

Replace your lawn with artificial turf

It is always a difficult decision to remove and replace things that you have already paid for.  Most people will like to see these things wear out before replacing them, because even though it may be beneficial to put the replacement into use, we fence with the mentality that we are losing money.  Smart people understand that sometimes in order to save money you must lose a little bit of money initially, and being trapped and paralyzed by the thought of replacing something that is already paid for will ultimately cost you more in the long run.  In Las Vegas, your living grass is a perfect example of this mindset.  Many people do not want to remove their living grass and replace it with any other type of landscaping because they put so much money into it.  As our weather changes and gets progressively hotter, we are seeing drought conditions that are worsening.  This not only means that we must take the precautions to avoid potentially running out of water, we also must obey the legal restrictions when it comes to wasting water.  This means that even though you have paid an amount of money to put living grass into your yard, you are going to have to watch it suffered in the summer heat as well as paying a significant amount of money in watering bills just to keep it green.  You will always be somewhere in between breaking the law by watering at times when you’re not allowed to water, or having your lawn die off in the summer heat.  The simple solution is to replace your living lawn with artificial turf or some form of water smart landscaping, so that you do not have to continually water plants that are only for decoration.  Artificial turf not only solve these problems but in many ways is superior to those plants which have made up your lawn for so long.  Artificial turf is a synthetic product that is made from plastic, and has evolved to the point of being so well done that most people only realize it is fake grass because it looks so good.  The common discussion as far as artificial turf is that you can tell it is fake because it looks perfect, and lawns almost never look that good.  By replacing your existing grass with artificial turf in Las Vegas, you can now take advantage of rebates and discounts are being offered by the city of upwards of $3.00 per square foot, which will offset the cost of replacement significantly.  Once you have replaced your lawn with artificial turf, your water bills will be dramatically decreased at the same time you are helping our community to save this precious resource.  Even if you are not concerned with the community, simply saving money by installing a product that will eventually pay for itself in savings is a good idea for any homeowner.  He would like more information but synthetic turf and replacing your lawn, contact us today.

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