Desert Greenscapes

You Need Artificial Turf In Las Vegas

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You Need Artificial Turf In Las Vegas


If you are preparing your home for sale, or if you are simply a homeowner who is looking to improve the look of your house in a way that will ultimately add value as well as improving life, and you should consider installing artificial turf.  Fake grass in Las Vegas used to be considered a novelty, but over the course of the last 10 years has become more of an upgrade.  This is because there was a time in the sixties when Las Vegas began to transform itself into an oasis in the desert.  The casinos decided to market themselves as the specific and small area within the dry desert that would have all of the luxuries of a tropical forest.  They installed water features and the types of plants that can only be found in the tropical areas, and paid exorbitant amounts of money to keep these types of plants alive as a marketing gimmick.  Over time this type of mentality started to move out into residential home owners, and people began to view had been a lawn in the desert as a luxury.  A lawn was maintained through constant watering from artificial water supplies, and generally required upwards of $100 per month to have a landscaped.  For many years this was the symbol that you had enough money to transform your environment into anything that you want it to be, but the thought process behind this began to change about 10 years ago when the drought conditions within Las Vegas became more severe.  Younger generation of potential homebuyers began to reject the idea of a lush landscaping within the desert as wasteful.  They viewed this in part because of increased acceptance of conservation, but also out of an increased desire to spend their time enjoying their environment instead of maintaining it.  Younger people realized that artificial turf was able to be installed for a low price and ultimately maintained for nothing.  This gave them the ability to allocate money towards the other types of things that they enjoyed and they were able to spend their time enjoying their lawn instead of working on it.  This shift in the way that homebuyers perceived the outside of their house as being either a wasteful money pit or eight well maintained and smart investment forced many people who were previously spending large amounts of money on their lawn to reconsider and to install artificial turf.  People repairing homes for sale began to view this as an upgrade that would ultimately attract more buyers, and those who simply wanted to no longer have to maintain their yard every weekend viewed it as a way to recapture their lives.  Either way, the installation of artificial turf in Las Vegas just makes sense because it is smart for us all to conserve water instead of wasting it.  There is no reason to have a grass lawn in a desert environment where there is no natural grass growing.  Isn’t it time to correct the mistake and install artificial turf?

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