by ray | Jul 4, 2018 | Uncategorized
You moved to Las Vegas and now you want to enjoy yourself. You probably spent the majority of your younger years mowing the lawn every weekend and tending to your landscaping plants. These types of chores may have been enjoyable back then, but now you would rather...
by ray | Jul 3, 2018 | Artificial Turf
In the past it was popular to have a grass yard, even in desert communities like Las Vegas. On Sundays you would see the father’s our mowing the lawns and having conversations about keeping the house up and in good order. In modern times people rarely want to...
by ray | Jul 3, 2018 | Artificial Turf
If you live in Las Vegas you have seen property values go up and down over the past few years in a dramatic fashion. Just ten years ago in order to purchase a home in the Las Vegas area, you had to wait in lines and ultimately pay far more than the home was worth. ...
by ray | Jul 3, 2018 | Artificial Turf
Las Vegas is a desert. It really doesn’t matter how hard we try to remake the environment to be more of what we want it to look like by planting exootic plants that are not natural for the area, the desert sun can literally kill almost any plant within a few...
by ray | Jul 3, 2018 | Artificial Turf
Las Vegas is a hot place, and in the summer it gets to a point of being almost unbearable. This summer has already proven to be hotter than most, with temperatures already nearing 110 for almost two weeks straight. While we always go through a period of the summer...