Everyone wants to have the best looking home on the block, and nothing shows to potential buyers better than if you have the best looking yard with the nicest curb appeal. In order to achieve the best look in the neighborhood, you are going to need to accomplish a few things, namely creating a space that is appealing and manicured. In the desert this can be a little difficult, as the majority of the typical aspects of yard landscaping that are employed by contractors and architects to achieve that look are not able to last very long, or will require large amounts of maintenence over time. This, combined with the amount of water that is necessary to keep plants alive in a hot environment like Las Vegas, may make the house look nice but soon be realized to be difficult to maintain for the next person who owns it. Unfortunately for many landscape architects who designed in an “old school” manner, people today do not enjoy the landscaping that once gave people so much joy. The memories of your father mowing the lawn on a Sunday morning while all the neighbors did the same is part of the past, and today people are looking for nice looking yards that they do not have to work on. They would rather spend their time enjoying the space and living their lives instead of pushing a mower. This is why artificial turf and desert landscaping aspects have become so popular over the last few years. It is also why so many home with artificial turf landscapes are appreciating in value while others do not. It is based on the idea that you deserve a good looking home that also does not take your entire life to keep up.
Is artificial turf cheating at accomplishing this goal? This may have been a debate in the past, and your father may have argued that installing artificial grass is not the correct way to achieve the look that all Americans strive for in their home. Times are changing though, and the way that your dad looked at things is not valid anymore for the younger generation. Today, they look at artificial turf as a means to an end, having a nice and soft ground covering without having to become a slave to it’s upkeep. The stigma of artificial turf has long since gone away, and it is not the preferential ground covering for hot climates like Las Vegas. In addition to this aspect is the fact that artificial turf has come a long way since your dad remembers it in the Astro’s stadium. Today, you can almost never tell the difference between fake grass and real grass, the only giveaway being that the fake grass looks “too good.” Well if looking too good is the problem, then most people are willing to accept the consequences of installing it. If you want to improve the looks and value of your home today, consider installing artificial grass from Desert Greenscapes.