702-529-0377 info@lvturf.com

Las Vegas is not only a vacation town, it is also a retirement community of sorts. Many people who have reached retirement age come to Las Vegas seeking warmer weather, as well as only a few days of rain every year. These people enjoy spending time outside, and as a result one of the most popular activities in Las Vegas is golf. The city and the surrounding area is home to many more golf courses than most other areas, and as a result people who call Las Vegas home can play golf just about any time they want. The courses they have to choose from are some of the best in the world, and getting in a round on your lazy days is probably one of the most common forms of exercise that the residents of the city have. When you are surrounded by such a plethora of choices of courses, it is a shame that you have to spend those days practicing, instead of spending your time flexing your golf muscles and tearing up the course. Well thanks to artificial turf, many Las Vegas residents no longer have to do their practicing when they are on the course itself. They can practice at home.

Private putting greens are one of the upgrades to Las Vegas homes that add a lot of value, it the person potentially buying the house is a golf enthusiast. Typically a putting green is high maintenance, and quite difficult to get right in order to have the experience of using it be valuable. If it is not perfectly groomed and smooth, then you are not really using the time in a way that simulates a real putting green. In the past, this was a detriment to having a personal putting green simply because it was more work than it was worth, but the advent of fake grass and synthetic turf has changed all that. Fake grass is now being manufactured specifically for putting greens, and when combined with a professional installation by a company that understands the differences between typical turf installations and putting green installations, you can accomplish a nearly identical feel of the way the ball rolls. You can go out into your back yard at any time of the day or night and practice your putting, without paying any fees or having to drive to the course. This feature will allow you to improve your short game and at the same time provide you with hours of entertainment in your own yard space. In addition, the personal putting green is care free, and will actually create a section of your yard that is easier to care for than a typical landscape. The fake grass needs no water or mowing, or care of any kind. Just hose it off every now and then to keep it clean from dust, and you will have a professional version of a putting green in your own home, without any additional problems. For a golfer, what is better than that?

Las Vegas is not only a vacation town, it is also a retirement community of sorts. Many people who have reached retirement age come to Las Vegas seeking warmer weather, as well as only a few days of rain every year. These people enjoy spending time outside, and as a result one of the most popular activities in Las Vegas is golf. The city and the surrounding area is home to many more golf courses than most other areas, and as a result people who call Las Vegas home can play golf just about any time they want. The courses they have to choose from are some of the best in the world, and getting in a round on your lazy days is probably one of the most common forms of exercise that the residents of the city have. When you are surrounded by such a plethora of choices of courses, it is a shame that you have to spend those days practicing, instead of spending your time flexing your golf muscles and tearing up the course. Well thanks to artificial turf, many Las Vegas residents no longer have to do their practicing when they are on the course itself. They can practice at home.

Private putting greens are one of the upgrades to Las Vegas homes that add a lot of value, it the person potentially buying the house is a golf enthusiast. Typically a putting green is high maintenance, and quite difficult to get right in order to have the experience of using it be valuable. If it is not perfectly groomed and smooth, then you are not really using the time in a way that simulates a real putting green. In the past, this was a detriment to having a personal putting green simply because it was more work than it was worth, but the advent of fake grass and synthetic turf has changed all that. Fake grass is now being manufactured specifically for putting greens, and when combined with a professional installation by a company that understands the differences between typical turf installations and putting green installations, you can accomplish a nearly identical feel of the way the ball rolls. You can go out into your back yard at any time of the day or night and practice your putting, without paying any fees or having to drive to the course. This feature will allow you to improve your short game and at the same time provide you with hours of entertainment in your own yard space. In addition, the personal putting green is care free, and will actually create a section of your yard that is easier to care for than a typical landscape. The fake grass needs no water or mowing, or care of any kind. Just hose it off every now and then to keep it clean from dust, and you will have a professional version of a putting green in your own home, without any additional problems. For a golfer, what is better than that?