Las Vegas has for a long time been considered an alternative to California, attracting new residents who want to take advantage of lower housing prices while still having access to entertainment and good weather conditions. Lets face it, Las Vegas weather is not as perfect as Southern California, and nobody ever claimed that it was. It gets hotter here in the summers and colder in the winters, and there is not enough rain to grow the types of plants and flowers that they can easily grow in California. But for Las Vegas residents, the small inconveniences like the hot summer weather are worth it when you consider the benefits, and as a result we see a significant amount of people moving into the area every year. Many of these people are either retirees or people seeking a reprieve from colder weather and yard maintenance, which makes Las Vegas a perfect choice for them.
So why install artificial grass into your property in Las Vegas instead of real grass? The answer is pretty simple, it is just too hot in the summers in Las Vegas to keep real grass healthy unless you tend to it far more than you would expect. Most people coming to the area are not thinking about mowing and watering their lawn in 110 degree heat, so in those cases you can expect a minimum of 100 dollars per month to go towards having a landscaper come and keep your lawn in order. If you do not, there are many associations and HOAs that will go as far as to fine you, which makes the installation of a synthetic grass product make so much sense. You will not have to do any maintenance or mowing, and you will still enjoy the look and feel of a lush green lawn. For many people, that is enough.
The drought is an additional reason to install artificial turf. Las Vegas has been in a severe water shortage for many years now, and our reservoir levels have dropped past the point of being able to assure that there is enough drinking water for all residents. As a result, the county places watering restrictions on residents that dictate how much you can water your lawn, and how often. In these hot conditions, the amounts that are allowed are simply not enough to keep your grass healthy, and as a result many people will lose their investments or face fines from the water authority. To compensate for the pain associated with potentially losing your lawn, the SNWA has put forth a program which compensates homeowners who remove their real grass and replace it with an alternative ground covering that does not use water. Artificial turf does qualify for this program, as as a result homeowners can install a new fake grass lawn for a significant discount off the prices it would typically be. You get to have a new lawn, save money and water at the same time. What could be better than being a good citizen and saving money while doing it?