It’s a bold statement, but sometimes nature isn’t better. In the desert, artificial grass is most definitely superior to real grass simply because real grass is bad for everyone and also very difficult to manage. In areas like Las Vegas, many people have the mentality that with enough money you can create anything that you want to, even an oasis in the desert. This mentality probably started with the casinos in the area, who went above and beyond to attract people into the desert by creating areas that were nothing like the desert. Basically, the hindrance that was causing people to not come to areas like Las Vegas was that they were not lush and green, and filled with water and plants that would make it a paradise. The casinos used their money to create these environments is a false state, essentially fueled by a completely fake atmosphere and water supply. Yes, it would cost a lot of money to simply have it look like you were somewhere else, but in the casino game it was worth it to do this. As Las Vegas grew more wealthy, the residents began to take on this exact same mentality, using their savings to create environments that do not exist here naturally. We brought in palm trees and fruit trees, as well as tropical flowers and grass. Unfortunately, even though we can afford to do something does not always mean that it is the right thing to do.
Grass is very difficult to upkeep in Las Vegas, simply because it gets so hot here. Typical grass will need watering to remain lush, but in Las Vegas it needs extra water just to stay alive. The searing heat of the desert will kill of real grass within only a few days of being without water, and even if you do manage to keep it alive it will never be lush and thick the way you want it to be. It will consume over 50 gallons of water every year for a single square foot of grass to stay alive, which is expensive and very bad for an area that needs to conserve water for people. As Lake Mead gradually runs dry, we could potentially have a water crisis on our hands. This is why it is so necessary to conserve at all costs, and this means not having the grass that grows so well in other climates. Just because you can afford to pay for the water you waste doesn’t mean that you should.
Artificial turf solves all these issues. It is thick and comfortable just like real grass is, except for the fact that it doesn’t need even a single drop of water to look and feel that way. It is made of a plastic material that is designed to look and act like real grass, even though it is not growing and will never need any mowing or additional care. We have created a better mouse trap in the desert, and it is time that our residents realize that sometimes natural isn’t better.