702-529-0377 info@lvturf.com

Artificial Turf Saves Water In Las Vegas the one

It is really hot in Las Vegas, especially considering that it is this early in the season, is combing the beginning of June and we already settled into a series of days over 100° which looks like inns going to extend for much of the rest of the month. This means that we are usually seen temperatures that are 10° higher than the average move, and can predict that there will be temperatures upwards of 120° later in the year when it becomes even hotter. This makes it dangerous for people to the outside, and makes it even more difficult for your lawn. The plants that you put into your external space around your house as decorative elements are exposed to this heat 24 hours a day, which is far outside of the temperatures that they are used to. Plants like this and not grow in the desert naturally, and people’s desire to remake the space that they call home into something that is not natural for the desert has led to an excessive amount of spending on elements like grass lawns and tropical plants. Unfortunately, the need for an excess of water when it is hot in order to keep the plants alive goes completely against everything that is necessary in order to conserve water in the desert. We have water programs that do not let you water before or after a certain time, and you are also not allowed to water on certain days. This restricts the amount of water that can be given to new plants even though they need more of it when it is excessively hot. If you go against the restrictions and assigned to water outside of the days of times when you are allowed, you can face who finds an even having your water shut off. The water authority forces conservation by not only provide a negative aspects like this, but also by incentivized and the replacement of your grass with water smart landscaping through the rebates and other forms of money that can be reclaimed. As a matter of fact, the water authority will pay you upwards of $3.00 per square foot to replace the grass the you have with water smart landscaping. Artificial turf fits into this type of landscaping, which means that you can become a $3.00 per square Foot Investment and still have the same look and feel of a grass lawn without the need to water it. Into wind and for most homeowners, who will no longer need to pay the higher water bills are necessary in order to grass alive while also reducing the conservation effort which will reduce the amount of maintenance that is necessary on your lawn. Even if you are not in conservationist, the replacement but your lawn with artificial turf just makes sense to save money. And will add more value to your home, and will allow you to enjoy your outdoor space even in the hottest temperatures