702-529-0377 info@lvturf.com

Fake Grass In Las Vegas Summer

If you live in Las Vegas you have probably already noticed how hot it is.  And even though it is only early June, we’re already seen temperatures well in excess of 100°.  In a van in Las Vegas for any length of time, you probably understand that this kind of heat wave presenting itself this early in the season is an indication that we’re going to have an excessively hot summer.  In Las Vegas, this will probably mean we will see a few weeks of temperatures in excess of 114°, and we’ll see temperatures over 100° for upwards of a few months consecutively.  This is going to be exceedingly hard for your lawn and your external landscaping plants to handle, as the need for more water will present itself very quickly.  They will begin to wilt and dry out in only a single day of being without water, and will be killed completely if they go more than a few days without.  The problem is going to be that the excess heat will create increased drought condition which will mean that you will not be able to water your lawn or your plants excessively.  Any kind of landscaping he is considered to be decorative and is not considered by the city to be necessary.  Water is conserved in order to be consumed by people and animals, as well as to be provided the plants that produce food.  Decorative landscaping is not considered to be necessary, and therefore it is required for customers of the water authority tune of water on Sunday, as well as to cut back on the amount of water that they use on a daily basis.  Anytime that you are a lot going outside of these recommendations will be fined or potentially have your water shut off altogether if you do not maintained a schedule that is required.  Even know your lawn is beginning to look dry and brown, you still cannot legally water it to the level that would be necessary in order for it to remain lush.  This is why so many people in Las Vegas have made a determination to switch over to artificial turf, not only because there is the significant amount of money to be had in rebates and incentives that are offered by the water authority, but also because it just plain makes good sense.  When you are no longer paying for the increased water bills because the grass is not real, and you are also able to cut back on means keeping costs, you realize that the savings that it will put forth are well worth it.  To artificial turf will essentially pay for itself in no time, and will also keep your house looking neat and tidy even during this hot summer months than everyone else is lawn looks terrible.  If you have not made the switch to artificial turf or water smart landscaping, contact us today.