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Landscaping in Las Vegas has a unique set of challenges that are sometimes overlooked by those who are not original to the area.  Because Las Vegas is considered a retirement community by many, people moving to the area are often times looking for complete relaxation.  While doing yard work may appeal to some, for most retirees the idea of going out and mowing the lawn is far less than desirable, causing them to look at the yard of their home as more of an inconvenience than a pleasurable place.  Even those who are not retired will many times view landscaping as inconvenient because it is simply not therapeutic like it is in other areas.  The reason for this is that in the summertime when your living plants are doing the most growing, it is so hot outside that you actually do not want to go out.  Many in Las Vegas view the summers the way that people in the northeast view the winters, that the weather is just too extreme to spend any amount of time outside.  Because yardwork is going to take significant time, many people are forced to simply pay someone else to keep their yards tidy and looking good, even though they are using it only sometimes.  The main issue with Las Vegas landscaping is not even just the heat, but the water as well.  Because of the extremely hot conditions in the summertime, the living plants outside need large amounts of water so as not to wither and die.  In times of drought like Las Vegas has been in over the course of the last few years, you are actually not legally allowed to water your plants as much as they are going to need to stay healthy.  So with the heat only getting worse every year and the access to water becoming more limited because of restrictions placed on residents by the city, landscaping itself has to adapt in order to make a Las Vegas yard be enjoyable.

Most smart Las Vegas residents use a landscaping technique called xeriscaping in order to create a space that looks good and uses little to no water.  Also known as desert landscaping, xeriscaping uses elements and plants thaat are naturally found in the desert in order to create a visually appealing space.  When combined with elements like firepits and seating areas, the look of a campfire in the desert is achieved.  Desert landscaping can be quite dramatic and beautiful if done correctly and tastefully, and even for those people who absolutely need to look out on their lawn and see a patch of green grass, you can work in the use of artificial turf in order to satisfy them.  Artificial turf is also considered water smart because it is not a living plant, and requires no water in order to look good.  So if you are moving to Las Vegas and are considering the unique climate with regards to landscaping, remember that keeping the desert in mind is your best bet.