702-529-0377 info@lvturf.com

Las Vegas is a desert community.  There are hundreds of reminders of this each and every day, from advertising to names of magazines to the fact that the landscape surrounding the city for hundreds of miles looks nothing like anywhere else in the country.  Nobody who lives here needs the reminder that we live in a desert, but for some reason many people believe that they can change the landscape of the desert on their property.  We are referring to the installation of sd or the planting of grass of course, one of the strangest practices that the Las Vegas valley has ever seen.  It was probably made popular by the casino industry, which made a name for itself by creating oasis in the desert and themed their properties in ways that seem completely out of place.  While this is interesting for tourism, it is not good for the community if the idea is adopted by many people.  What we end up with is the attempt to keep grass and plants that are not natural to the environment alive using false watering methods.  While there is certainly nothing wrong with the use of technological advances to bring water to areas that do not naturally have it, and to water plants that would not grow here naturally, the problems arise when this practice starts to endanger people.

Sod is essentially fully grown grass that is sliced from the earth and sold as sections.  Because the sections are cut below the root system, the grass survives for a time as it is sold in different parts of the country.  The installation of sod is much like laying tile, where you simply prepare the surface and then lay the sod sections out.  Seeding for grass is the growing of the plant from seed state, preparing the surface and then watering seeds regularly until it grows.  Both of these practices need large amounts of water in order to have the desired effect of a thick lawn, and during times when there has not been enough rainfall over the course of recent time, then the watering of these lawns begins to remove water from the supply that is needed by people and animals.  Because people need water to survive every day, and there is a limited supply of this water in Las Vegas, when the water gets short we need to choose people over your lawn.  This is why we have watering restrictions in order to conserve water most summers, and this is why a lawn is a bad idea in Las Vegas.  There is not enough water for everyone to drink and also to waste watering your lawn.

So what is the way that people can have a pleasant yard and still be in line with the way that the desert needs to be? The answer is to install artificial turf into your lawn.  This synthetic product will not need any water, but will still look and feel just like real grass.  Contact us today to find out more about synthetic turf.