702-529-0377 info@lvturf.com

Las Vegas is actually a desert.  Not that this is a surprise to anyone, but for some reason many people who live in Las Vegas forget about this fact and start thinking that they are living in a more moderate temperature area.  This is seen every day in the landscaping mistakes that residents make, one of the best examples of which is the installing of sod or attempting to grow grass from seed.  Simply put, Las Vegas is far too hot during the summers for these types of grasses to survive, and without extensive watering and care will eventually turn brown and probably die.  The desert is devoid of green grasses and plants for a reason, that there is just not enough water to be healthy and too much as far as sunshine.  In order to create the types of landscaping that so many people in the area have attempted, they find themselves being forced to care fro their plants and grass far more than they would in other areas.  If you did not enjoy doing yard work in the more temperate climate that you used to live in, then you are going to really hate doing it in Las Vegas.  If you fail to water your lawn for even a few days accidentally, you can literally lose your entire investment.  So what is a person who lives in Las Vegas and still wants to have a yard with green grass to do? The answer is synthetic turf.

Synthetic grass is good for Las Vegas in that is does not need water, or even any care in order to continue to look good.  The turf itself is made out of a plastic that is colored appropriate shades of green and then attached to a backing.  This product can then be rolled out over a compacted filler material that is installed in order to provide cushioning as well as cutting down on pet urine sell issues and drainage problems, staked to the ground in order to maintain a tight and secure feel.  Once installed correctly, you should notice almost no difference than if you were walking on real grass.  This can complete your yard and create a functional space that actually uses no water.  But why is saving water so important if the water is available? The answer is that it actually isn’t as available as you might think.

Las Vegas has been going through a drought for years, and some people do not even realize it.  As long as they can turn on their faucet and water comes out, they do not think about the fact that there is just not enough water to assure all residents that there will be enough to drink if the drought gets worse.  We need to save as much of it as possible, and putting it on our grass in order to keep it alive is not the best use.  A lawn in Las Vegas can use up to 55 gallons of water per square foot just to stay alive.  This is why synthetic grass is good for Las Vegas, it helps us all save.