702-529-0377 info@lvturf.com

If you live in Las Vegas you have seen property values go up and down over the past few years in a dramatic fashion.  Just ten years ago in order to purchase a home in the Las Vegas area, you had to wait in lines and ultimately pay far more than the home was worth.  Shortly after that we saw the dramatic crash that removed an unbelievable amount of value from the real estate market.  Many people lost quite a bit of their investment, and only if they stayed in their home and did not sell did they get to see their values rebound.  This has corrected over the course of the last few years, and at this point many of the peopel who were once under water in Las Vegas are now once again in the green as far as value.  One thing that the housing crisis di teach to many Las Vegas residents is the value of maintaining your value, by doing things to your home that will make it more appealing to purchasers in a market that is not red hot any more, but is viable.

One of the best things you can do to your home to make it more appealing and add resale value is to install things that ease the daily maintenance of the home.  People in Las Vegas want to relax, and not many people are very fond of things like doing yard work in 110 degree heat.  You are faced with either having to pay someone else to do it for you at an expensive monthly price tag, or ruin your own days off by having to do it yourself.  For this reason, many Las Vegas home owners have taken steps like the installation of artificial turf in order to create a situation that appeals to prospective buyers more than one that involves yardwork.  People in Las Vegas realize that there si value in not having to maintain a property, and are willing to pay extra for that value.  This is why artificial turf is now so popular in the valley, and houses that do not have grass yards are so much more in demand than those that do.

If you currently have a home in Las Vegas that has a grass lawn and would like to convert it over to artificial turf, contact Desert Greenscapes in order to receive a quote.  If you use our services there is a good chance you can receive upwards to a two dollar per square foot rebate on the installation as long as you are removing existing grass and replacing it with water conserving artificial turf or another type of ground covering.  This way you can actually use the rebates that the water authority will give you in order to add value to the home that you plan to sell.  There is really no better deal in Las Vegas than the city paying you to increase your home’s value and save water at the same time.