702-529-0377 info@lvturf.com

Artificial Turf, The Best Solution For The Desert

Artificial Turf, The Best Solution For The Desert artificial turf If you’re looking for the best solutions for landscaping in the desert, you’ve probably seen different versions of desert landscaping or artificial turf.  This is because the need to create a...

Should I Install Artificial Turf Into My Yard?

One of the commonly asked questions on Google that comes from people living in communities that are effected by drought is “should I install artificial turf into my yard?” The answer is yea and no.  If you live in a community that is attempting to conserve...

The Las Vegas Community Benefits From Artificial Turf

Face it, no matter how much you want your Las Vegas home to look like an oasis, it is still located in the desert.  Las Vegas is one of the harshest climates in the world, and is actually comparable to Afghanistan as far as heat and dryness.  We live in an area where...