702-529-0377 info@lvturf.com

The Best Landscaping In Las Vegas

Paver Patios


If you are considering looking for a new landscaper in the Las Vegas area, you are probably looking for someone who is reliable and will show up one time to take care of all of the trees and grasses that you have in your lawn.  While there is nothing wrong with paying landscapers to do this type of work, have you ever considered having the plants and grass  removed by desert landscaping company in order to improve your life.  The reason that we say it will be an improvement your life is that you would no longer be paying the ongoing monthly bills of landscaping, as well as saving on all of the water bills that pile up simply keeping your plants alive.  Most of the plants that are installed in landscapes in the Las Vegas area are not natural for that area, meaning that they were imported from places that have a far better type of environment from growing the lush green types of plants that they are.  The reason that people began importing plants into the Las Vegas area in the first place was because the casinos sold the idea of an oasis in the desert as a marketing campaign, ultimately making people believe that if you have enough money you could recreate the environment and anything you wanted it to be.  They began to not care whether or not we had high water bills, as long as they could have an environment that looked like the east coast or Southern California.  Will we must understand is that this type of wasteful activity is harmful to our community as well as our environment.  We have a limited supply of water in Las Vegas, and the water is continually shrinking and levels better now becoming dangerous.  If you ever been the lake mead and see in the bathtub ring that surrounds all of the clips, you then realize just how much less water we have and what we use that.  This is a result not only of their being more people living in the Las Vegas Valley but also as a result of wasteful activities like installing green grass lawns into an area in the desert.  Much better thing to do would be to utilize artificial turf for this purpose, allowing you to have both the green grass that you desire and also not needing to water it in order for it to continue look good.  The best types of landscapers are going to be the ones who are going to eliminate landscaping on a regular basis from your life, but ultimately removing the plants that need the ongoing care the landscape are gets.  A desert landscaping or water smart landscaping company will work with you in order to create a dramatic and beautiful lawn utilizing the types of elements that are more natural to the desert, giving you a maintenance free landscape that will no longer need their services in the future.